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Yadkin Valley Baptist Church Yadkin Valley Baptist Church

DRIVE-IN Service SUNDAY at 11:00 AM and FACEBOOK LIVE at 11:00 AM DRIVE-IN Service SUNDAY at 11:00 AM and FACEBOOK LIVE at 11:00 AM

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DRIVE-IN Service SUNDAY at 11:00 AM and FACEBOOK LIVE at 11:00 AM

Posted by: ELLIE on Sat, Apr 25, 2020

Join us in the Parking Lot of the Fellowship Hall no later than 10:55 AM

We will be doing a "DRIVE-IN" Service (weather permitting) on Sunday, Sunday, April 26th and Sunday, May 3rd. The DRIVE-IN Services will be held in the church parking lot in front of the Fellowship Hall at 11:00 AM. Someone will be there to assist you with parking. We look forward to seeing you. We will be watching the forecast to determine if we will be able to have the DRIVE-IN Service. In the event of rain in the weather forecast for Sunday mornings, we will send a "phone tree" message.

We will also continue our FACEBOOK LIVE services on Sundays at 11:00 AM and Wednesdays at 6:30 PM until the Governor's "Stay-At-Home" order is lifted or revised to allow church services in the Sanctuary.

   Discussion: DRIVE-IN Service SUNDAY at 11:00 AM and FACEBOOK LIVE at 11:00 AM

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