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Yadkin Valley Baptist Church Yadkin Valley Baptist Church

DRIVE-IN Service SUNDAY at 11:00 AM and FACEBOOK LIVE at 11:00 AM DRIVE-IN Service SUNDAY at 11:00 AM and FACEBOOK LIVE at 11:00 AM

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DRIVE-IN Service SUNDAY at 11:00 AM and FACEBOOK LIVE at 11:00 AM

Posted by: ELLIE on Sat, Apr 18, 2020

Join us in the Parking Lot of the Fellowship Hall no later than 10:55 AM

Sunday, April 19th, at 11:00 AM, join us for  a DRIVE-IN Service

in the Parking Lot at the Fellowship Hall. PLEASE STAY IN YOUR VEHICLES!!!

There will be someone there to assist with parking. Please arrive no later than 10:55 AM.

We will also steam the service on FACEBOOK LIVE at 11:00 AM.

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