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Happy New Year Happy New Year

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Happy New Year

Posted by: ELLIE on Sat, Dec 30, 2017

from Yadkin Valley Baptist Church

The end of each year is always a time of reflection:
A time to look at the past year and a time to face the coming year.
Looking back at the previous year can bring joys or regrets:
Joys over the good things and regrets over the shortcomings.
But with Christ in our NEW YEAR, we can face the future with no regrets.
Christ gives us the strength to face each new day with gladness.
Let Christ be the encouragement you need to face each day in the coming year.
And remember, "I can do all things through CHRIST,
which strengtheneth me." (Philippians 4:19)

Carry this verse in your heart as you journey through the new year!

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