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JUNE 2019 Events at Yadkin Valley Baptist Church JUNE 2019 Events at Yadkin Valley Baptist Church

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JUNE 2019 Events at Yadkin Valley Baptist Church

Posted by: ELLIE on Wed, Jun 12, 2019

Check out these exciting events for June!!!

JUNE is a busy month at YVBC!!! Please take advantage of these events!!! Bring your friends and family and enjoy good fellowship with God's people!!!

JUNE 1   10AM until 2 PM Family Fun Day at Tanglewood Park - Hotdogs, Chips, Drinks, Desserts served at Shelter #4 at Noon. Plenty of FUN activities!!! Cost is $2 per car to enter the park - pay at the Gate.  Please bring a dessert and enjoy the day!!!

JUNE 10-14  VBS - "Giddy-up Junction" - Our VBS Committee has worked really hard to present this annual event! Puppets, Crafts, Bible Stories and plenty of FUN for all ages!!! Registration begins at 6:15 each night. Refreshments provided!!!

JUNE 28 - TEEN NIGHT in the Fellowship Hall - 6:30 to 8:30 PM - Plenty of Food, Fellowship and Fun for ages 13 and up

JUNE 29 - Cottage Prayer Meeting - at Myrtle's Mountain House - 2 PM until...  An Old Fashioned Cottage Prayer Meeting in an outdoor mountain setting! What could be more appealing than that??? A Cookout is planned...please bring a dessert.  A sign-up sheet is in the church foyer and Myrtle has directions for those who need them.  Please join us for this wonderful time of fellowship, food, singing and wonderful Bible lesson from our Pastor!!!

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