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OLD FASHIONED DAY and Chicken Stew OLD FASHIONED DAY and Chicken Stew

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OLD FASHIONED DAY and Chicken Stew

Posted by: ELLIE on Wed, Oct 19, 2022

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Make plans to attend our annual

OLD FASHIONED DAY and Chicken Stew

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Sunday School begins at 10:00 AM

Worship Service at 11:00 AM

Chicken Stew to follow in the Fellowship Fall

Bring a drink and your favorite Desserts!

Dress in "Old Fashioned" attire: 

Ladies: Long skirts, bonnets, hats, etc 

Men: Bibbed Overalls, hats, boots, bolo ties, etc.

Join us for food, fellowship and fun! 


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